Argentine Peso Comercial to Brazilian Real

Last update: Sun 22/12/2024 20:15 - Brasilia Standard Time
BuyR$ 0.00590.00 0.00%SellR$ 0.0060.000.00%(today)
Change (Sell)
7 days 0.000.00%
30 days 0.00011.72%
90 days 0.00023.51%

The sell rate of comercial argentine peso to Brazilian Real is R$ 0.006 and the buy rate is R$ 0.0059 in Brazil today, Sunday 22/12/2024 20:15. The exchange rate values did not change since the previous closing of the market.

Reverse Exchange Rate (BRL/ARS)

The sell rate of the Brazilian Real to argentine peso (BRL/ARS) is $ 169.4915 and the buy rate BRL/ARS is 166.6667 today at Sunday 22/12/2024 20:15.

Comments on Argentine Peso Comercial to Brazilian Real Exchange rate

Graph for Comercial Argentine Peso to Brazilian Real rate

Daily details on Comercial Argentine Peso to Real rates

Max todayMin today
Last ClosingOpening

Other types of Argentine Peso to Brazilian Real exchange rates

BanksChange (today) Buy / Sell
Central Bank0.00%0.0059410.005944
*: Rows that contain single value should be considered as sell rates.

Conversion Table for Comercial Argentine Peso to Brazilian Real

QuantityAverage Price (Sell)
1 ARS0.006000 BRL
2 ARS0.012000 BRL
5 ARS0.030000 BRL
10 ARS0.060000 BRL
20 ARS0.120000 BRL
50 ARS0.300000 BRL
100 ARS0.600000 BRL
200 ARS1.2000 BRL
250 ARS1.5000 BRL
500 ARS3.0000 BRL
750 ARS4.5000 BRL
1000 ARS6.0000 BRL
2000 ARS12.0000 BRL
5000 ARS30.0000 BRL

Conversion Table for Brazilian Real to Comercial Argentine Peso

QuantityAverage Price (Sell)
1 BRL169.4915 ARS
2 BRL338.9830 ARS
5 BRL847.4575 ARS
10 BRL1,694.92 ARS
20 BRL3,389.83 ARS
50 BRL8,474.58 ARS
100 BRL16,949.15 ARS
200 BRL33,898.30 ARS
250 BRL42,372.88 ARS
500 BRL84,745.75 ARS
750 BRL127,118.63 ARS
1000 BRL169,491.50 ARS
2000 BRL338,983.00 ARS
5000 BRL847,457.50 ARS